Assessment promotes effective teaching and learning. It determines the learners’ levels of understanding and allows them to reflect on their learning. Assessment informs parents and enables them to better support their children.
A process of finding out what students already know, what they have learned, how they have learned it and how they apply it, against the standards which are derived from the curriculum.
The main purpose of assessment at NAS is to:

Internal Assessment
Internal assessments are of two types: Summative and Formative. Summative assessments have a marks weightage of 60%, while Formative has a marks weightage of 40%.
External Assessment
N.A.P. Assessments
National Agenda Parameter Following N.A.P. assessments are taken:
CAT4 (Cognitive Ability Test) – This assessment measures a student’s learning and thinking ability and is not based on their curriculum learning.
MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) – Students of grades 3-10 take this assessment 3 times a year.
IBT Arabic (International Benchmark Test) – IBT is an internationally administered program of assessments to compare student performance globally.
PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) – PISA measures 15-year-olds’ ability to use their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges.
TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) – TIMSS focuses on effectively measuring educational achievement in mathematics and science at the fourth and eighth grades, and sometimes the final year of secondary school.
PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) – PIRLS is a comprehensive assessment of fourth grade students’ reading literacy achievement.
Standardized Assessments
PSAT (Preliminary SAT) – Students in 10th and 11th grade can take the PSAT to measure readiness for college and practice for the SAT.
EmSAT– the EmSAT is a national system of standardized computer-based tests, based on United Arab Emirates national standards.
MOE Equivalency Requirement Students have to have the following for MOE equivalency. SAT 1 Math Component
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) OR IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
Reporting Frequency Parents are informed twice a year about a child’s performance formally. Two Student-Led conferences are also arranged for parents to see student work and know about the next steps in their learning. Additionally, parents may make appointments at any time during each semester to discuss their child’s progress.